AI:CON Production

In order to achieve the ideal Virtual Human that match with your brand core soul and DNA, we’re here to assist you throughout the development process that consist of several stages!

The Birth of Virtual Human involves a complex and multidisciplinary process that combines elements of computer graphics, artificial intelligence, and often a deep understanding of human anatomy and behavior. As we delve into the realm of virtual human development, we embark on a quest to redefine the boundaries of human-machine interaction, providing a platform for innovation that blurs the lines between reality and the digital frontier.

Our AI:CON Production services go beyond mere simulation, aiming to craft lifelike and interactive virtual beings that seamlessly engage with users in diverse applications—ranging from gaming and entertainment to education and customer service.

These are the key services on our AI:CON Production:

  1. Modeling & Sculpting
  2. Texturing
  3. VFX Rig
  4. Unreal Engine Rig

Additionally, we’re also acknowledged that just like a person, Virtual Human has to be evolving according to the world. Therefore we are also conducting the community study that might contribute to the existence of your Virtual Human. We create and humanize!

Join us on this immersive journey where the synthesis of technology and humanity unfolds in unprecedented ways, shaping the future of virtual experiences.

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